Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Observation #2

For one whole day I observed my use of technology. Throughout the day I realized I use my phone a lot. I use different type of technology, well to be exact I only use two my laptop and phone. I use my laptop a lot due to the fact I use it to do homework, I probably used it over five hours that day. But my phone I use my phone daily all day, I use my phone to check everything. I use it to text people, to take pictures, to go on twitter, facebook, instagram, I use it to play games. Also I use it to get a hold of people, to check my homework, my grades, to check my mail and even check my bank account. I realized during class I look at my phone over ten time either to check for text or even to just look at the time. In a way I think my use of technology is harmful due to the fact that I am so used to my phone I need to check it every ten minutes and that distracts me for doing what I have to do, but then my use of technology is not that bad due to I just use it to do homework, or look for stuff I need or talk to people. I could probably control me checking my phone every ten minutes, but I know it would take time.

Observation #1

After one full day of observing Arizona Western College students use of technology throughout the day I learned that students use their phone daily. When I was walking around Arizona Western College I saw over 80% of students on their phones either talking, texting or updating their Facebook or twitter. Another thing I saw was students socializing but at the same time were on their phones. When I went into the library I saw most of the students while doing homework or some kind of work they were on Facebook  or another type of social network. I also saw students looking for music while doing their work. In class over half the students where on their phones or peeking at their phones. I also saw over ten students using their laptops in class. I think technology has become something big in the life's of today's students, I see them use technology everywhere they go and daily. I think today's kids depend a lot on technology.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


My name is Yndra Montejano. I am 18 years of age, I am currently enrolled in Arizona Western College. I am the first of my family to graduate high school top fifteen and with a scholarship. After obtaining my AGEC-S I will transfer to the University of Arizona to get my bachelor degree in Psychology and most likely go into medical to specialize as a pediatrician. I am the oldest of three kids so I am seen as a role model. Technology is a great part of my life. I use technology daily, I wouldnt be able to live without my phone or laptop. I think technology is not only for fun but provides us with many different ways to connect throughout the world. For example I have family in Mexico and with facebook, or skype I can communicate with them without complications. Technology takes a big role with my schooling too whenever I have a question I know I can get a hold of my professors with just an email. Technology takes a big part of my life.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Is technology causing me to lose as much as I gain?

How I see it is technology is yet not become harmful  
to us. As a college student technology is a really big role in my life. I see technology as a helpful tool, it can help out not only with homework but to get a hold of our professors when in need of something. For example also when you don't go to class, you can go online and find all the assignments and what they did in class that day. One thing technology does not really help is how big of a distraction it is to us students when in class or when were trying to do homework, it does not help because of it we do not pay attention sometimes or take a really long time to finish an assignment which can lead to us failing somehow. For me it is easier to learn with technology for example slideshows, or videos than      to have to read over ten pages of information. In real life technology does help in many ways, I can get a hold of my family from Mexico, view my baking account on my phone, get a hold of people when in an emergency. Another big thing is enrolling for College we can do it online now instead of going through all that paperwork. What I do not like though is because of technology people have become more lazy, because everything they need is provided for them with the click of a mouse. Over all I do think technology is a very essential thing to us humans at this era. Technology is not causing me to lose anything but it has helped me gain in many different ways.