Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Observation #2

For one whole day I observed my use of technology. Throughout the day I realized I use my phone a lot. I use different type of technology, well to be exact I only use two my laptop and phone. I use my laptop a lot due to the fact I use it to do homework, I probably used it over five hours that day. But my phone I use my phone daily all day, I use my phone to check everything. I use it to text people, to take pictures, to go on twitter, facebook, instagram, I use it to play games. Also I use it to get a hold of people, to check my homework, my grades, to check my mail and even check my bank account. I realized during class I look at my phone over ten time either to check for text or even to just look at the time. In a way I think my use of technology is harmful due to the fact that I am so used to my phone I need to check it every ten minutes and that distracts me for doing what I have to do, but then my use of technology is not that bad due to I just use it to do homework, or look for stuff I need or talk to people. I could probably control me checking my phone every ten minutes, but I know it would take time.

Observation #1

After one full day of observing Arizona Western College students use of technology throughout the day I learned that students use their phone daily. When I was walking around Arizona Western College I saw over 80% of students on their phones either talking, texting or updating their Facebook or twitter. Another thing I saw was students socializing but at the same time were on their phones. When I went into the library I saw most of the students while doing homework or some kind of work they were on Facebook  or another type of social network. I also saw students looking for music while doing their work. In class over half the students where on their phones or peeking at their phones. I also saw over ten students using their laptops in class. I think technology has become something big in the life's of today's students, I see them use technology everywhere they go and daily. I think today's kids depend a lot on technology.